In competition


Directed by Alba Zari
Italy 2021
Runtime 18'

A family spends the summer months on a nudist beach. Intimacy and beauty of naked bodies, leaves drawing geometrical shapes on the skin, the water seems relieving from any thought. Freikörperkultur is a poem about longing for what is lost and will never return. It’s the expulsion from Eden.

Directed by
Alba Zari

Alba Zari

Alba Zari

Fabio Toich

Andrea Gulli, Giorgio Pacorig

Massimilano Borghesi

Sandro Pivotti

Manuela Buono (Slingshot Films)

World Sales
Slingshot Films

Press Office
Manuela Buono

Alba Zari

Alba Zari (1987) led a nomadic life since childhood, living in different cities and countries. Born in Thailand, she graduated in cinematography at the DAMS in Bologna and continued her studies in Photography and Visual Design at NABA in Milan, followed by Documentary Photography at the International Center of Photography in New York. Her traveling experience influences and reflects in her photography focused on social issues. She regularly collaborates with fashion brands and newspapers. Her most recent works are Places (2015), a book and photographic project done with ElementWo, an analysis of the visual communication of ISIS propaganda; Radici (2013), a documentary project about the vegetation in the Mesr Desert in Iran; The Y – Research of Biological Father (2017), the result of a journey in search of her origins. She is currently researching the Children of God cult in India, Nepal and Thailand. She is also developing her first long-feature documentary, White Lies.